Monday, December 19, 2011

Boom! Something got done!!

You know it.  Mark the date.  We have a finished project.  By finished I mean that we don't need to touch up paint, caulk, buy a new toilet, etc..  I mean it is done enough that I don't feel like it's missing something and I can move forward until it drives me crazy again and I do something else to it.

Here is a before:

Moving day.
Ok, so it's a smallish project.  On moving day the plan was to make this cabinet in the living room a bar area.  I thought of a mirrored background to add light to the corner and sex it up a little.  So Exactly 4 months after moving here, it is done.  But when I look at this picture I notice some other things that we've done in between:

-pink carpet - gone
-wallpaper in hallway (you can see it above the cabinet) - gone
-brass carriage light on fireplace - gone
-the mantle that was too small and mounted too high on the fireplace - gone

Wow.  Just look at this.  The pink background inside the cabinets was exponentially more hideous in person.  I believe it actually clashed with the pink carpet.  In fact, it was not even a week into living here that John and I freaked out late one Saturday night and broke out primer and painted over it so we didn't have to look at the PINK! anymore.  We literally got up from a football party coma and started painting at 11PM.  All the pink made the fireplace brick read pink as well, it wasn't until the new carpet that we realized that the brick has more brown than pink.  But no longer my friends - the pink is officially all gone.  Yay!

Behold the after:

Hard to tell how cool it is, but trust - it's cool.

Sexy, right??

OK, I got a few more things on the agenda for this area (but I'm calling it done - for now).  The mantle clock will return to the mantle when we build a more permanent one.  The frankenmantle John made on the fly is awesome in it's own right, but not quite what we have in mind for the long term and definitely not sturdy enough to support the weight of the mantle clock.  Basically we needed somewhere to put the Christmas stockings....

So snaps to the Christensens.  I'll post better pictures when we get some sun around here and take down Christmas decorations.  It'll look like a proper bar then, I swear :)

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