Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The end of an era

Wallpaper.  It's been our nightmare from the beginning.  But no longer friends...

It's gone.  6 months and a couple of weeks have gone by since we moved and the day has come.  There is no more wallpaper in our house.  None.  I just have to strip the backing paper off the walls in the master bath and we will be an official wallpaper-free home.  It feels good.  So good.  Here is a run down and look back at the madness:

Ahh, the hallway...

another angle of the hallway paper

the basement hall and bathroom

The kitchen

What you don't really see in the photo above are the disparate patterns:

There is a vertical stripe paper in the kitchen.
Tiles with X pattern on the backsplash.
Window inserts with an X pattern.
Whatever the hell is going on with the hallway paper.
And judging by the amount of water rings on top of the cabinets, plants everywhere.  

I really don't understand how that could start your day off right.  But then again, I wasn't thinking about wallpaper in 1978 :)

the master bedroom

the master bath

the powder room
And... the laundry.  More pattern madness!!

As you can see, we've been busy.  The former owner's family were kind enough to leave behind the notebook that was kept when the building/design of the house originally took place.  I've looked back it it several times and can only imagine the agonizing decisions that were made as to which wallpaper to choose, or which doorknobs, etc...   But really, look above.  Who in decorator hell advised this woman to put those 2 patterns in adjacent spaces, WHO???  

No matter, it's gone now.  But I will share from the notebook the sheer volume of wallpaper we've removed.

All rolls are single rolls, apparently that's how they were sold in 1978...

HALLWAY:  33 rolls
KITCHEN:  8 rolls
MASTER BATH:  12 rolls
LAUNDRY:  10 rolls
POWDER ROOM:  9 rolls
BASEMENT:  25 rolls

For those of you keeping score, that's 121 rolls of wallpaper (or 60 in today's double roll world).

What's next for us?  Paint, paint and more paint.

I'm still not 100% happy with the hallway color and since that was such a huge job, I've become a tad scared of making bold color decisions.  That's why our kitchen isn't painted yet.  Or why we painted the basement hallway a nice soft grey (I'll take some after photos and post soon).

The amount of wall space is still very shocking to me and I hate to waste time and money on a bad color decision.  So we've been painting everything very neutral.  Like primer white neutral.  It works for now.  Hopefully once we get used to living in a pattern-free home for awhile, then our brains can relax and get more inspired with color.

Next project unknown.  Possibles include:

painting the fiesta cantina
painting our master bedroom and bath
painting the kitchen
painting Will's room
or maybe, installing the gallery wall and lights in the hallway :)


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