Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Basement bathroom, part three - THE "LITTLE THINGS" TAKE FOR.EV.ER.

So, where did we leave off?  Oh yeah, the tile was done.  Ahhhh.  Home stretch, right?  buddy??

Not so fast I say.  We still have lots of other things, the "little things" that get added on here and there while you are working.  You know, the "wouldn't it be cool if we did _______"  or the "oh crap, now we need to do this" type of stuff.  This list is the "oh crap" variety of little things.

Here is an incomplete list because I can't remember all of them.

1.  Paint ceiling in the shower stall with mildew resistant paint - it was looking a tad dingy.  Which in turn led to...

2.  Paint the metal ring around the recessed light in the shower stall, also looking very dingy.  Which in turn led to...

3.  Fixing the way the metal ring is attached to the ceiling (I'm sure there is a more professional way to say that, but I don't know it).  2 of the 3 screws went back in with no problem,  pesky #3.  That took about 40 minutes to fix.  Longer than the ceiling and ring painting took combined.

4.  Paint the walls.  Again, I get so bogged down looking at paint swatches and second guess myself.  To alleviate this anxiety, I just mix up my own colors.  That way if I absolutely hate it, I didn't waste $30 and can always paint over it.  My problem with paint mixing is the AMOUNT of paint.  We barely had enough to finish.  Oops.

Paint mixing adventures sidebar....

Anne #1:  The laundry room at the old house.  A lovely aqua/turquoise color that looked amazing, happy and bright - everything you want in a basement laundry room, right?

Paint remaining?  NONE.

Anne #2:  The powder room here.  I was too lazy to go to out and get paint, so I mixed it up here and it looks exactly like I wanted it to.  A nice, relaxing blue, with just a hint of green.

Paint remaining?  About 1/4 cup.

Anne #3:  The basement bathroom.  It needed to be light and not compete with the darker floor tile and tiles on the countertop.  It's a nice neutral, with just a touch of green to set off the backsplash tile and vanity.

Paint remaining?  A little more than 1/4 cup.  I'm totally getting better at this!

See what living on the edge gets you? 

Basement bathroom on the left
Powder room on the right.

Back to the list...

5.  Replacing the baseboard on the long wall.  Once we removed the tile from the hospitalesque walls around the toilet, we needed to run the baseboard all the way down that wall, and stain it to match the existing woodwork.

6.  Cutting down the baseboard that was on the long wall to fit the other places that now needed baseboard.

7.  Finding out how to bridge the gap where the former tile around the toilet met the tile surrounding the shower.  Answer:  a thick piece of moulding with rounded corners painted the wall color.

I'm sure there is an 8, 9, 10 and beyond - but you get the drift right?   All the little things (and the thinking through the problems, shopping for solutions, etc.. take much, much more time and money than you could possibly budget for.

Next, a couple of "wouldn't it be cool if we did _____" projects.  Which are awesome.

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