Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Well, I got real cocky about my paint mixing skills and it backfired.  Sigh.

We have a perfect accent wall situation going on in the living room, so when we painted the room soon after moving in (nothing to update, pretty much the same color, but fresher) we left that wall because I was going to make it awesome with some fun paint color.

BEFORE:  ahh, the pink carpet.  I don't miss you.
But see, a perfect accent wall!
So here we are 5 months later and ready to paint! Anne #4 in T minus 10 and counting...

I had thought a nice smokey plum color would tie in the bricks and add some drama to that wall.  So I mixed some mistints together and went to town.

This is after the one, and only, coat.  And yes,
Frankenmantle is still living with us.
No freaking way.

I didn't even give it a second coat chance.  It was just wrong with a capital W.

I didn't even give anyone else a chance to offer their opinion (I sent a picture to John at work, and he was very kind and diplomatic, but I knew it was no good) So back to the basement.  I'd had enough drama for today, so I decided a nice, calm, greenish-gold was in order.

I chickened out and just went with a rich golden color (not too much green) that blends in and doesn't scream "Look at me!  I'm trying really hard to look dramatic, but instead look ridiculous!!"

AFTER:  Anne #5 is so much better

ADDED BONUS!  Sam's woodcuts look amazing with
this color on the wall :)

It's really not that big of a deal, the wall takes about 1/2 hour to paint.  And it doesn't take that much paint either.  So I can just paint it anytime I feel like mixing up something new or find something fabulous in the mistint section.  But I'm sticking with this for now.  And never, ever, ever considering purple/plum again....

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